Every Fall and Spring quarter, CMBC hosts "Salty Cinema," a community event that showcases ocean-themed films and highlights the importance of ocean connections. Salty Cinema is organized by students, who are given the opportunity to screen a film of their own making. After the films are shown, a moderator and chosen panel proceed in a lively discussion about the films, while answering questions from the audience.
For fall quarter 2022, CMBC hosted Salty Cinema: Waterpeople Above and Below the Surface. This Salty Cinema focused on the intrinsic relationship humans have with the ocean, as well as highlighting the increasing need to protect it.
Films played during Salty Cinema included The Salty Generations directed by Shaun Wolfe, Shared Seas directed by Andrea Sanchez Davidson and Lindsey Bauman, and Behind the Mask, directed by Kenan Chan, Biz Wallace, and Elena Neibaur.
Our moderator was Ellen Spooner and our panel included Andrea Sanchez Davidson, Kenan Chan, Anupa Asokan, and Mohammed Sedarat.

We were happy to see that about 160 people attended this Salty Cinema in-person with 50 more joining online! Faculty, students, and many of Scripps’ contributors joined the event. The films and panel questionnaire were shortly followed by refreshments and vibrant conversation amongst attendees.
If you would like to watch Fall’s Salty Cinema, the link is provided here.