Octavio Aburto-Oropeza named PEW Marine Fellow

The Pew marine fellows program was created to seek solutions to the problems affecting the world’s oceans. CMBC’s  Dr. Octavio Aburto-Oropeza, was named one of eight distinguished scientists and conservationist selected for the 2018 award.  Aburto-Oropeza will assess changing productivity and distribution of mangrove ecosystems using high-resolution satellite imagery in real time. Dr. Aburto’s research has focused on the ecology … Read More

CMBC Alumni head to D.C.

  Two of the four 2018 John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellows are CMBC graduates. Derek Southern (MAS-MBC 2017) and Lauren Linsmayer (Ph.D. 2017) will spend the next year in Washington, D.C.  placed with hosts in the legislative and executive branches of the federal government. The one-year fellowship provides a unique educational experience for graduate students interested in ocean, coastal, and … Read More

Salty Cinema Series Brings Global Discussion to Plastics

Plastics present a global challenge but the strongest solutions start locally, which is why alumni from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego focused their latest “Salty Cinema” event on plastic pollution. The environmentally conscious film screening series features quarterly events focused on various marine issues including coral reef bleaching, the cultural significance of surf breaks, and now, plastic … Read More

Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award

Lisa Levin, a biological oceanographer at CMBC and former director, will receive the A.C. Redfield Lifetime Achievement award from the Association of the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) on Wednesday. The Redfield Award honors major, long-term achievements in the fields of limnology (the study of lakes) and oceanography, including research, education, and service to the community and society. The … Read More

Pink sea urchin species may be climate-tolerant food source

California Sea Grant article features work of CMBC Alumnus, Kirk Sato, Ph.D. Sea urchin is a delicacy in Asia, South America, Europe, and increasingly in California, where the uniquely flavored roe, or uni, is used in sushi, gourmet cuisine, and products such a s sauces and flavorings. But the large red sea urchin (Mesocentrotus franciscanus) caught off the coast of … Read More

Annual Surveys in the Gulf of California

The Gulf of California Marine Program undertakes annual surveys of the different habitats across the Gulf. Established in 1998, our underwater monitoring effort includes population counts, species biodiversity data, and description of ecosystem roles. We focus on four main factors concerning fish and invertebrates: diversity, density, biomass, and size. This data is collected at different sites with similar characteristics, as … Read More

Ocean commitments under the Paris Agreement

Large countries, including the U.S., do not include oceans in their plans. A new study led by CMBC Researchers evaluates the extent to which parties to the historic Paris Agreement on climate have considered the oceans in their plans to address climate change.The study shows that while many countries include the oceans, a striking number do not. Read more Blog … Read More