IOCC | Island Ocean Connection Challenge
The Island-Ocean Connection Challenge (IOCC) started as a working group convened in 2021 to study impacts of invasive species (and their removal) on terrestrial-marine ecosystem interactions. CMBC provides a scientific framework and academic perspective to this extended partnership with Island Conservation, Re:wild, and other academic and NGO partners.
Island-Ocean Connection Challenge
Emerging science confirms what many Indigenous Peoples have known for centuries: Everything is connected. Healthy oceans depend on healthy islands.
Today, our interconnected oceans and islands are in great peril. Climate change, ocean degradation, invasive species and biodiversity loss are causing entire land-sea ecosystems to collapse, and island communities are disproportionately impacted.
We can heal our oceans by restoring and rewilding islands.
The Island-Ocean Connection Challenge aims to restore at least 40 globally significant island-ocean ecosystems from ridge to reef by 2030 to benefit people, wildlife and our planet.
Island Conservation, Re:wild and CMBC at Scripps Institution of Oceanography launched the Island-Ocean Connection Challenge in Spring, 2022.

Dec. 12, 2022 | Harnessing island–ocean connections to maximize marine benefits of island conservation
published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

2022 | Island Ocean Connections: Exploring Land-Sea Linkages in the Context of Invasive Mammal Management