Where’d You Get Those Genes? Individual Growth Can Vary Wildly When Populations Interbreed

From the lab of Dr. Ronald Burton: Scientists find that interactions between different types of DNA determine hybrid fitness “When individuals from different populations of the same species interbreed, there is often ‘hybrid vigor’ in the first generation, meaning that the offspring have improved function and fare well,” said Ron Burton, a professor of marine biology at Scripps. However, when … Read More

Resource for teachers and home school

Enjoy, a month of short daily videos (quests) to understand and celebrate our natural world.   #EarthSchool is in session! It is aimed – during this time of lockdown to help show off the wonder and mystery of our planet to our children through a daily, immersive environmental adventure from @UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), @TED_ED and partners: https://bit.ly/Earth-School Other CMBC recommended … Read More